Dettagli offerta

Offerta pubblicata il 24 Gennaio 2025

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S.A. Studio Santagostino is a company specialized in Human Resources Consulting and Development.

Our Recruitment and Head Hunting division is seeking a SALES DIRECTOR for a leading company operating in the construction sector in the province of Monza e Brianza.

The candidate will oversee the management and development of both the Italian and international markets, with the goal of expanding the customer portfolio by offering existing solutions as well as new, more sustainable alternatives, in close collaboration with the Engineering and Product Development team.


Key responsibilities:

  • Formulate and implement strategies designed to enhance the company's operations across various markets
  • Perform market analyses to ascertain customer requirements and alternative or complementary solutions
  • Collaborate with the Product Development and Engineering teams to develop innovative and sustainable solutions
  • Ensure adherence to annual volume and margin objectives, while formulating contingency plans to mitigate risks
  • Coordinate sales teams and oversee relationships with key distributors to achieve revenue, profit, and market expansion goals
  • Negotiate and manage intricate business situations with clients and stakeholders
  • Evaluate ideas for the development, structuring or restructuring of the commercial department


The sought profile for the Sales Director has the following requirements:

  • Bachelor's degree in Economics or Marketing; MBA is preferred
  • Fluent knowledge of English
  • A minimum of 10 years of Sales experience, of which at least 5 years as a manager in modern, structured and multinational companies
  • Previous experience in the construction industry is preferable

Hard Skills:

  • Proficiency in the application of business management and development frameworks (Ansoff Matrix, Business Model Canvas, Porter's Five Forces Analysis, etc.)
  • Updated knowledge of macroeconomic and market trends and their implications for the company
  • Proficiency in calculating product and company margins, as well as in formulating sales and promotional campaigns
  • Demonstrated expertise in managing international sales teams, establishing revenue targets and facilitating market expansion
  • Proficient negotiation skills to navigate intricate business scenarios
  • Proficiency in risk assessment and the execution of alternative strategies
  • Proficiency in CRM systems and digital sales support tools. A strong understanding of SAP is highly advisable
  • Proficiency in integrating conventional and digital sales channels
  • Proficiency in business intelligence and artificial intelligence systems for business analysis

Soft skills:

  • A strong teamwork orientation, promotion of team collaboration and management levels
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Leadership, curiosity, proactivity and open-mindedness
  • Results-driven mindset with the ability to excel in a dynamic management environment




Le persone interessate possono inviare la propria candidatura con autorizzazione ai sensi del dlgs. 196/2003 e Regolamento UE n.2016/679. La ricerca rispetta il d.lgs. 198/2006 ed è aperta a candidat* di qualsiasi orientamento o espressione di genere, orientamento sessuale, età, etnia e credo religioso. Il presente annuncio è stato ideato nel rispetto della diversity e dell’inclusività.

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